Raven’s Jig is proud to present this collaboration with Tarwe, who composed and arranged this beautiful piece. Onne and I were in charge of the lyrics and voice/music montage. We imagined a story to go along with the song’s sunny, yet deep-blue atmosphere. One of Many became the tale of a child pausing in an aquarium to look at the brightly-colored fish, with all the fascination and sheer appreciation of life’s wonders that comes with young age. Would you still stop and actually look at the riches of an aquarium, if you visited one today?
Download Raven’s Jig – One of Many
Original composition by https://www.youtube.com/Xereant
Whirlpools, bright algae swirling in whirlpools
One child stares at them behind the glass
Customs of human schools meeting fish schools
One of many more children to pass
The child waves
Hello, can you see me out there?
Children visiting the aquarium
How many have waved hi
To the sunshine fish taking off on a whim
In the ocean sky
Castles, coral reefs rising like castles
Who else would pay attention to you
Somewhere throughout the tussles and hassles
People forget to enjoy the view
But that child
Mind you, isn’t going anywhere
For as long as some of us stay young
They will be there to see
That one bit of wondrous life floating along
Just one of many
This is a beautiful song. I loved its lyrics.