Raven’s Jig is proud to present this collaboration with Tarwe, who composed and arranged this beautiful piece. Onne and I were in charge of the lyrics and voice/music montage. We imagined a story to go along with the song’s sunny, yet deep-blue atmosphere. One of Many became the tale of a child pausing in an …
Tag: lyrics
Jan 24 2017
Raven’s Jig – Petit Chat Clandestin (on-vocal)
This is the on-vocal version of Raven’s Jig’s Petit Chat Clandestin interpreation. You can hear the off-vocal version if you click on this link. Lullaby of Deserted Hell is a waltz which is sure to stick to the mind of Touhou fans. The slightly cloudy, majestic and mysterious piano played by Onne inspired a specific …
Jan 09 2017
Raven’s Jig – Soggy Cake (Macarthur Park)
Richard Harris’s MacArthur Park is a song about heartbreak. And parting. And striped pants and soggy cake. We couldn’t help but chuckle when we heard it the first few times. We felt so bad that we decided to take our good old piano out and make the most dramatic, heartfelt rendition we could. This is …
Oct 07 2016
Raven’s Jig – Kuroi Uta
We originally played this song as a request for a third party, and eventually fiddled with the idea of making our own vocal version for ourselves. Our beloved, atmospheric piano is joined by pressing drums underlining the drama and darkness within this song. The original lyrics were about dark fates and metamorphosis, taboos, black flowers …
Sep 07 2016
Raven’s Jig – Mahna Mahna (The question is, who cares?)
…We like this song. Who doesn’t. It got stuck in our head. We wanted to do it in our own way. We did it. We had fun. Need we say more? Download Raven’s Jig – Mahna Mahna (The question is, who cares?)
Mar 07 2016
Raven’s Jig – Be of Tranquil Cheer (on-vocal)
Not so long ago, we’ve released this song as an off-vocal track. Now, we have written lyrics for it and recorded the vocals. This soft, bossa-nova-like arrangement of Rin Kaenbyou’s stage theme, from Touhou 11 – Subterranean Animism, is the first piece of what would eventually become Enfants atomiques, a Raven’s Jig EP dedicated to …
Dec 14 2015
Raven’s Jig – Unicorns (Solitude by the Window)
You might recognize the melody for this one. A long time ago, we played it as a French song that kept its own name, “Solitude by the Window” – originally from 2001 anime Noir. Just like our French version of Solitude by the Window, this song is about personal aspects of Agathe’s life… But we …
Mar 14 2015
Raven’s Jig – Armstrong
French singer Claude Nougaro is one of Agathe’s favorite musicians and lyricist, and his jazzy arrangement of the classic Go Down Moses, paying homage to trumpettist Louis Armstrong, is one we decided to pay homage to as well, by arranging it and singing ourselves. Download Raven’s Jig – Armstrong
Jan 05 2015
Raven’s Jig – Anything Goes
We released this mellow arrange of a golden oldie early in January 2015, to celebrate the new year. Arranged in a style similar to the one used in Leçon de Français, and reprising the original lyrics, this song was a happy little joke we were happy to partake in, knowing that of course, the older …