Lullaby of Deserted Hell is a waltz which is sure to stick to the mind of Touhou fans. The slightly cloudy, majestic and mysterious piano played by Onne inspired a specific painting in our mind, an alternate universe with a little girl with red hair, trapped in a cold Renaissance castle and bound by etiquette …
Tag: Subterranean Animism
Jan 24 2017
Raven’s Jig – Petit Chat Clandestin (on-vocal)
This is the on-vocal version of Raven’s Jig’s Petit Chat Clandestin interpreation. You can hear the off-vocal version if you click on this link. Lullaby of Deserted Hell is a waltz which is sure to stick to the mind of Touhou fans. The slightly cloudy, majestic and mysterious piano played by Onne inspired a specific …
Dec 12 2016
Raven’s Jig – Subterranean Sunshine (off-vocal)
This song is the rightful companion to Be of Tranquil Cheer (playing a Touhou stage song with French lyrics and an extra-peaceful arrange, see the post here as on-vocal and here as off-vocal) and Une Pile Atomique (playing an Utsuho Reiuji song in major instead of minor, with a childlike spirit in mind). The lyrics to this …
Aug 14 2016
Raven’s Jig – Nuclear Happiness
Crazy how turning a song from minor to major and choosing the right instruments changes the atmosphere drastically, right? The impressive, bodacious final boss theme from Touhou 11 – Subterranean Animism becomes a bundle of childlike fun, in which her protagonist, Utsuho Reiuji, gets to let her bird-brain personality shine innocently. Once again the lyrics …
Mar 07 2016
Raven’s Jig – Be of Tranquil Cheer (on-vocal)
Not so long ago, we’ve released this song as an off-vocal track. Now, we have written lyrics for it and recorded the vocals. This soft, bossa-nova-like arrangement of Rin Kaenbyou’s stage theme, from Touhou 11 – Subterranean Animism, is the first piece of what would eventually become Enfants atomiques, a Raven’s Jig EP dedicated to …
Feb 20 2016
Raven’s Jig – Be of Tranquil Cheer (off-vocal)
This soft, bossa-nova-like arrangement of Rin Kaenbyou’s stage theme, from Touhou 11 – Subterranean Animism, is the first piece of what would eventually become Enfants atomiques, a Raven’s Jig EP dedicated to a strange Touhou cat and a strange Touhou bird. This was played with very peaceful thoughts in mind, blue skies and soft grassy …
Jul 31 2011
Raven’s Jig – Lullaby of Lost Cultures (alt1)
Soon after the release of our Lullaby of Deserted Hell arrangement, we played an alt version. Another Touhou arrange we would go on to re-play with lyrics much later… This first arrange, more instrumentally daring than our next versions, focused on a variety of oriental instruments to mix the medieval with the exotic. Download Raven’s Jig …
Jul 31 2011
Raven’s Jig – Lullaby of Lost Cultures
Another Touhou arrange we would go on to re-play with lyrics much later… This first arrange, more instrumentally daring than our next versions, focused on a variety of oriental instruments to mix the medieval with the exotic. Download Raven’s Jig – Lullaby of Lost Cultures
Jan 07 2011
Raven’s Jig – Nuclear Fusion
Our first arrangement of another Touhou classic, in the name of an iconic boss which (unsurprisingly) inspired our band’s name! The feeling of majesty and strong percussion was inspired by Nuda Arai’s Radiant Radiant Symphony. Download Raven’s Jig – Nuclear Fusion